Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Expectations… something that most of the times leads to disappointments. Expecting too much in life thus, is not a good idea. Especially from others. The reason being, you will most probably not get what you want. Everyone on this planet is selfish, yes, including me, including you. Every person for himself/herself. There are times when you yourself don’t live up to your expectations, forget others. You promise yourself something, but never get around to do it.

Yes, you may have friends. A lot if good friends. But how many of them can you take for granted? Not just friends. Family too. Each one has their own lives to live. I am not saying that they are wrong. It is you, who expects so much from them, who is wrong.

Think of it this way. There must be someone who takes you for granted, but you don’t really pay attention to them, because you have better things to do. The same thing applies for you. The person whom you take for granted has better things to do.

And if you find a person, who will leave whatever he/she is doing for you, a person who will do anything for you, a person whom you expect a lot from and who meets your expectations every single time, a person you will take for granted at some point, make sure, that this person will never leave you. People like these are a rare species, and if you loose this one person, you may never find another like them. Keep in mind though, they will take you for granted too, and you need to return the favor, by living up to their expectations.

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